![]() Contact[adresgegevens alleen zichtbaar voor ingelogde gebruikers] stuur bericht anoukbriefjes.nl globalfilmfactory.nl/ my companiesDiscipline
Drama film, Short film, Feature film, Theatre
Anouk Briefjeskeywords: actress, singer, director, drama teacher
SInce 1998 working in theatre. Actress in different theatre productions and movies. Directed different theatregroups and movies. Singer in bands, studio etc. Voice actress, eductation actress and entertainment actress.
VideosInformatietrackrecord The Dream Train (film) If Mama Could See Us Like This (Movie) Paste Tape (short film) On Lock (short film) Adultery (TV series) Pancake (TV series pilot) 4 short films in Hamburg (Kinokabaret) Strangers (in production/feature film) Fellow sufferers (cinema film) Accused (TV series SBS) Doctors (tv series Net 5) Dapper (Internet soap opera) Pilot new TV series (RTL5) The Sinterklaas Club (RTL4) Trauma (cinema film) Bath foam (feature film still in production) Legacies (pilot TV series RTL) Behind closed doors (TV series Net 5, 3 episodes) Inside (Movie) Entertainment Experience/IO film productions The Blue Couch (drama series) I Still Love You (international show in Los Angeles, among others) Jenny (short film) Medical Online (company film) lucky punch lipstick Farmer & Farmer's Wife (comedy) 2 Women 1 Man (RUtger Hauer Foundation) Good Wrong Presenting Catharsis Decripsis Enter Your Dreams Opera Film God's Video Library Opera film Samson et Delilah (cinema film) Dutch View (short) Linda and Angelo (short film academy) prijzen Film by the Sea, 3rd place audience award with Lipstick 2010 48 hour film project Utrecht, 6 nominations best director, 2 x best actor, best music 2 won best use of line and best camera for Op Slot 2013 Cinekid, 7 nominations 6 won best actor, best music, best camera, best direction, best film and audience award for Plak Band 2013 48 hour film project Nijmegen, won best direction, best music, best supporting role, 2nd audience award, third best film, nominated for best supporting role for Gays, guitars and other shit 2016 vraag mij voor Film, tv, theater bijzonderheden Film acting, theater acting, directing, writing, producing, singing, entertaining, presenting, teaching drama. equipment Greenscreen, light, smokemachine,audio (mic), Black Magic (camera) Educationopleidingen