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Artistman/PVT entertainment:
telefoon: 06 11 44 18 24

my companies


Commercial, Drama film, Feature film, Theatre

Bram Legerstee

keywords: actor, stemacteur, voiceover

I am Bram Legerstee, a versatile and experienced actor. My acting career started in the 1990s, where I gained fame as Paul Rosier in the popular soap opera "Onderweg naar Morgen". In addition to my regular role in this series, I starred in various guest appearances in well-known television comedies such as "Sam Sam", "12 cities 13 accidents" and "Bureau Kruislaan". In 1995 I took the leading role in the moving Dutch film "Guardian Angel" by director Peter van der Berg. In 2001 I enjoyed playing one of the leading roles in the children's series "De Nieuwe Club van Sinterklaas" as the strict Bovenpiet.

After my time as a regular actor on the soap, I took on a new challenge as a member of a theater company in Rotterdam. Due to contractual obligations I was only allowed to do theater work for the company. This contract expired in 2020. In the theater I participated in various productions of The Rotterdam Center for Theater and Theater Babel.

I have played a wide range of roles, both in classical plays such as "King Lear", "Midsummer Night's Dream", "Faust" and "Moliere's Tartuffe", and in contemporary productions including "Nothing Serious", "Familie Ties" and my own adaptation of Han Nefkens' "Blood relatives". My artistic horizon is not limited to traditional acting; I also participated in movement theater and modern dance, including the short duet "Transmettere" at the Holland Dance Festival, choreographed by Guilio d'Ana.


LOWLAND MELODIES, A POLDER WESTERN 2024 experimenteel / 30 min. / My-visions / Pilar Mata Dupont and Erika Roux
actor male
Een nieuwe tijd 2024 drama / 35 min. / Hollands licht i.o van Netflix / Netflix / Anna van der Heide & Anna van Keimpema
actor male
Hardcore Never Dies 2023 drama / New Ams / Jim Taihuttu
actor male
All you know about aliens (and forgot) 2023 drama / 100 min. / Seriousfilm / Mirella Muroni
actor male
Blind Audition 2022 drama / 10 min. / 48 hours Rotterdam / Gerard Meuldijk
actor male
Beschermengel 1995 drama / 35 min. / Netherlands Film Academy / NCRV / Peter van den Berg
actor male
MKB recht 2023 commercial / 3 min. / Groener gras producties / Hans Groenendijk
actor male
HSL Machinisten 2023 commercial / 3 min. / Vortical producties
actor male
fflekkernix4you 2019 televisie / 20 min. / Stutkowski Audiovisuele Vormgeving / Open Rotterdam / Kuba Stutkowski
actor male
De nieuwe club van Sinterklaas 2001 televisie / 20 min. / Palm Plus Producties / FOX kids / Armando de Boer
actor male
sam sam 1997 televisie / 30 min. / Joop van der Ende / Veronica / Robin Pera
actor male
onderweg naar morgen 1995 televisie / 30 min. / Endemol / Veronica / Aart van Asperen
actor male


Commercials voice over
Compilatie van commercials
Documantaire voice over
compilatie van voice over documentaire leesboeken


showreel Showreel 2024 juni


I recently showed my acting talent in an SME law commercial and a Commercial for HSL Netherlands, and I was also the face and voice of Zonnestap. But also television series such as "FFlekkernix4you" from 2019 and "De Kale Nel" from 2017. I am currently involved in the new Dutch feature film "Hardcore never Dies" by director Jim Taihuttu. I play a small role in Mirelle Muroni's latest film Forget everything you know about aliens (and Forget) and participate in an art film called The Polder west (2024)
I also tour the country with the "Jules and Philippe revue", in which I perform a comedy revue duo together with actor Rob Hertog. Until 2024 I will be actively involved in "Confused with each other", a social theater project in collaboration with GGZ Antes. I am open to any collaboration and challenge.
vraag mij voor
Ik ben in voor rollen in speelfilms, shorts, tv drama en commercials en voor stem mag je me voor alles inschakelen


Jean Paul Denizon Method acting
Method acting
Ruud van Hemert
Method acting
intensieve acteer training
Margarete van Dam
Method acting
intensieve acteer training
camera acteren
overige opleiding
RCTH Rotterdams acteer school
Spel en regie


Theater Babel
Acteur/ Regisseur en hoofd educatie vaste acteurs
Rotterdams centrum voor theater
Acteur/regisseur Vaste spelers
Acteur Onderweg naar morgen