lengte 105 min.
jaar 2011
producent BrennFilm
regie Stephan Brenninkmeijer
scenario Stephan Brenninkmeijer
ISAN 0000-0003-E37C-0000-5-0000-0000-M
synopsis After years of suppressing her desires, Stella finds she can no longer ignore her deep-rooted longings.
Breaking out of her cage and starting a secret double-life, Stella transforms into a "unicorn," a nickname for single women who indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle, visiting sex clubs and erotic parties, and flourishing with all the new attention.
Even as her husband uncovers his Stella's secret life, he can't do much more than give her the freedom that she obviously needs, in the hope it's all just a phase.

Then one day she finds herself lying unconscious in a basement cell, with no idea how she arrived there.
Days go by when an other woman is brought into her cell. Christine, a woman about the same age.

In the following days they reveal their life stories to one other. Christine is convinced that the reason for their captivity lies in Stella's lifestyle.

Tim de VriesFirst assisitent director
Nicolas Boyerhead of wardrobe
Robert M. BergerDOP / cinematographer
Richard Spieringsfocuspuller
Ronald Van der Spekboom operator
Ronald Van der Speksound recording (on location)
Stephan Brenninkmeijerediting
Ronald Van der Spekservices
Ronald Van der Spekfacilities / equipment rental
kees goedhartproduction manager
kees goedhartproduction manager
Stephan Brenninkmeijerfilm producer
Stephan Brenninkmeijerproducer
Stephan Brenninkmeijerdirecting
Stephan Brenninkmeijerscreenwriting

Georges Devdarianiactor (male)
Joep Sertonsactor (male)
Victor Reinieractor (male)
Chantal Demmingactress (female)
Corine van der Helmactress (female)
Babette Holtmannactress (female)
Chantal Demmingactress (female)

BrennFilmediting feature film
BrennFilmpostproduction supervision
BrennFilmfeature films (nl)

Drama film, Feature film