Hush Hush - Jeffersons
lengte 6.45 min.
jaar 2018
producent JKP Entertainment.
regie Jef Patrick
scenario Jef Patrick

Song about 2 friends as in boy and girl where the girl falls in love with him. This she tries to make clear to him again and again by whispering sweet things in his ear and what she feels for him. He makes it clear in this song that he does not want to risk their friendship by entering into a love relationship with her. The friendship weighs heavier than the love for her. Never say never!
Make Up : Anne Gruiter

Sophie Serrarisactor / actress
Chantal van Remmencamera
Jef Patrickgrafisch designer
Jef Patricksound design
Jef Patricksound editing
Jef Patrickmusic recording (studio)
Jef Patrickaudio engineering
Jef Patricksound recording (studio)
Jef Patrickediting
Jef Patrickfilm producer
Jef Patrickdirecting
Jef Patrickaudio technician (tv)
Jef Patrickvideo technician

Jef Patrickactor (male)
Jef Patricksinger / artist
Jef Patrickvoice actor (male)

Music Video