Los Ojos Rojos
lengte ? min.
jaar 2016
producent Independent production
regie Vincent Nijman
scenario Theodore Nolan
omroep n.v.t.
synopsis Over 200 years ago, earthquakes struck a remote island, which lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The island natives passed down horrid stories about what followed the earthquakes.

The natives claimed that "Island Spirits" were released from the ground and turned the people into wild savages with red eyes. The natives who survived called these red eyed creatures, Los Ojos Rojos...

Their horrid accounts have faded through time and are now viewed with a modern skepticism, but the recent seismic activity has caused some to re-evaluate their disbelief in the old stories.

In fact, some claim that the savage creatures called Los Ojos Rojos have returned...

Vincent Nijmandirecting
Vincent Nijmanidea development / comcepting

Feature film