De Club van Sinterklaas & Geblaf op de Pakjesboot
lengte 70 min.
jaar 2016
producent Tom de Mol Productions BV
regie Ruud Schuurman
scenario Sander de Regt

The celebration of Saint Nicholas Eve is once again in danger this year! A villain doctor has devised a plan to make as much money as possible with a 'bark spray', allowing children to bark. Afterwards he can make a lot of money by selling the antidote to all the concerned parents. Will the Club succeed in cleaning up the presents in time or will all children receive the bark cough?

Hidde BoorsmaDOP / cinematographer
Erik van Wegenpost production manager
Erik van Wegenexecutive producer / line producer

Pepijn Janzenextra
Sam Julian Reichardtextra
Pascal Herderextra
Marcelo Penalozaextra

Feature film