Het Kogelgat van Château St. Gerlach
subtitel Gelijkheid verwekt geen oorlog
lengte 49 min.
jaar 2015
producent Mosasaurusfilm
regie Robin Peeters
scenario Robin Peeters
omroep L1
synopsis Captain Joseph Ryan from New Jersey was killed in Germany on 1 March 1945 while serving with the 744th Tank Battalion. Camille Oostwegel, the adopter of Captain Ryan’s grave in Margraten, has embarked on the making of a documentary about Ryan. The starting point of the documentary is a mysterious bullet hole in one of the gilded mirrors in Château St. Gerlach in Valkenburg. It is said to date back to World War II and to have been put there by an African-American soldier. Legend has it that white officer Joseph Ryan made sure to cover up the incident to prevent the black comrade-in-arms from getting severely punished. The story allows the documentary makers to explore the contradiction of Europe’s liberation by a racially segregated American military while simultaneously pointing to World War II as a catalyst of tremendous change in the United States.

Robin Peeterscamera
Robin Peetersediting
Robin Peetersproducer
Robin Peetersdirecting
Robin Peetersscreenwriting

Documentary, Drama film