Adventures of a Hollywood Banker
lengte 90 min.
jaar 2011
producent The Filmers
synopsis The life and work of Frans Afman, the top banker, film financier and former chairman of the Netherlands Film Festival, who deceased Wednesday the 4th of May, will be immortalized in a documentary. His daughter Rozemyn directs the film, with working title ‘Adventures of a Hollywood Banker’. She already started the project last year, when it became clear that her father did not have long to live.

The film intends to give good insights in the glory years of the Dutchman in Hollywood. Afman, then the head of the international division of Amsterdam-based Slavenburg’s Bank, got into the entertainment business when Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis talked him into a small loan in 1972.

Sander Schreudersboom operator

The Filmers
