van Eline Stroo
Zwaar Verliefd! 2 2020 drama / Tom de Mol Productions
production assistent / runner / extras coordinator
Sores 2019 drama / 14 min. / Schoolopdracht minor Film
props / setdressing / clapperloader / first A.D. / assistent director / script continuity / script editor / idea development - comcepting / screenwriting
Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen 2019 drama / Blazhoffski
chauffeur / production assistent / runner
Project Gio 2019 drama / Tom de Mol Productions
chauffeur / production assistent / runner / extras coordinator
Sinterklaas en de vlucht door de lucht 2018 drama / Tom de Mol Productions
chauffeur / production assistent
All Stars de Musical 2019 theater / MORE Theater Producties
assistent costume designer / props / chauffeur / production assistent / first A.D. / assistent director
Dancing with the Stars 2019 televisie / Blue Circle
props / chauffeur / production assistent / runner