van Claartje van Swaaij
Eutopia 2015 drama / Kunstfilm / Ine Lamers
actress female
Nieuwe buren 2014 drama / rtl 4
actress female
Kijken Naar Sacha 2010 drama / 10 min. / Lotje Kerckhaert
actress female
Met Je Mooie Haren 2009 drama / JensenFrisbee / Rutger Veenstra
actress female
Deadline 2009 drama / Avi Team / Jan Van Den Nieuwenhuizen
actress female
1944, mon amour 2009 drama / SAE Instituut Rotterdam / Jessica Groenewegen
actress female
Stray 2008 drama / Stefan Pisters
actress female
Silent Film Shorts 2007 drama / Santa Monica College / Terrin Adair
actress female
Cafe Starwars drama / Audiovisual Media HKU / Daan Bol
actress female
Choctherapie drama / 3e jaar FilmAcademie / Anne-Marieke Graafmans
actress female
commercial 2015 commercial /
actress female
Prodent commercial 2008 commercial / Only / Harro van Schoonhoven
actress female
Cool Like that 2014 clip / doesjka van hoogdalem
actress female
Einsteinbarbie-Like that 2013 clip / Doesjka van Hoogdalem
actress female
La Bohème 2014 theater / Nationale Opera / Benedict Andrews
actress female
Die Meistersinger von Nümberg 2013 theater / Nationale Opera / David Alden
actress female
Waiting for Miss Monroe 2012 theater / Nederlandse Opera / Lotte de Beer
actress female
Pillow Talk 2011 theater / Urban Aphrodite International / Ann James
actress female
Festen 2008 theater / Toneel Haarlem / Kasper Kapteijn
actress female
You Never Can Tell 2007 theater / Santa Monica College / Terrin Adair
actress female
Overruled 2007 theater / Inplayers / Johan Muller
actress female
De Verschrikkelijke Moeder 2007 theater / Marja Blaazer
actress female
The Crucible 2005 theater / Donna Ducarme
actress female
12th Night 1999 theater / Jeugdtheaterschool Concordia / Flora Verbrugge
actress female
Radio Ghost Stories theater / Santa Monica College / Terrin Adair
actress female
Ober 2.0 2013 opdrachtfilm / 8 min. / Sjoerd van Grootheest
actress female
bedrijfsfilm papierfabrikant 2007 opdrachtfilm / Scaldia
actress female
Bedrijfsfilm Gemeente Utrecht opdrachtfilm / DSM next / Matthijs Treurniet
actress female
Museum Songspiel 2011 experimenteel / Chto Delat? / Dimitry Vilensky
actress female
Xmix 2010 televisie / Xmix Evensts BV / EO / Jan van den Nieuwenhuijzen
actress female
In je recht 2005 televisie / Endemol / RTL4
actress female